Growing summer bedding from plugs

Growing summer bedding from plugs can be a great way to create a colorful and vibrant display in your garden. Here are the steps to grow summer bedding from plugs:

  1. Purchase plug plants: You can buy plug plants from garden centers, nurseries, or online. Choose plants that will thrive in the conditions of your garden, such as sun or shade, and that complement each other in color and texture.
  2. Prepare the soil: Choose a well-draining soil that has been amended with compost or other organic matter. Remove any weeds or debris from the area where you will be planting.
  3. Plant the plugs: Dig a small hole in the soil and gently place the plug plant in it, making sure to cover the roots with soil. Space the plants according to their mature size and spacing recommendations.
  4. Water the plants: Water the plants immediately after planting and regularly throughout the growing season. The soil should be kept moist, but not waterlogged.
  5. Feed the plants: Use a balanced fertilizer according to the instructions on the package. Apply the fertilizer every two weeks or as recommended.
  6. Deadhead and prune: To encourage more blooms and maintain the shape of the plants, deadhead spent flowers and prune back any leggy growth.
  7. Watch for pests and diseases: Keep an eye out for any signs of pests or diseases and treat them promptly to prevent them from spreading to other plants.

Some ideal plants to put in summer bedding are:

  1. Petunias: These colorful flowers come in a variety of shades and are great for filling in spaces in the garden.
  2. Geraniums: These hardy plants produce clusters of bright flowers that are perfect for borders or containers.
  3. Marigolds: These cheery flowers come in shades of yellow, orange, and red and are great for deterring pests.
  4. Lobelia: This trailing plant produces delicate flowers in shades of blue and purple and is great for hanging baskets or window boxes.
  5. Zinnias: These vibrant flowers come in a variety of sizes and colors and are great for attracting butterflies and other pollinators.

By following these steps and choosing the right plants, you can create a beautiful summer bedding display that will brighten up your garden all season long.