How to use heated propagators to create rooted plant cuttings

Heated propagators can be a useful tool for propagating plant cuttings and promoting their successful rooting. Here’s a general outline of how to use a heated propagator to create rooted plant cuttings:

  1. Choose your propagator: There are many types of heated propagators available, from small tabletop models to larger ones that can accommodate multiple trays of cuttings. Choose one that suits your needs and budget.
  2. Fill your propagator with compost: Use a good-quality, sterile compost or seed-starting mix. Fill the propagator to within a few centimeters of the top, and then firm it down gently with your fingers.
  3. Take your cuttings: Choose healthy, disease-free plants to take cuttings from. Cut a stem that is around 10cm long, just below a leaf node. Remove any lower leaves from the stem, leaving just a few at the top.
  4. Dip the cuttings in rooting hormone: Rooting hormone can help your cuttings establish roots more quickly. Dip the cut end of each cutting in rooting hormone powder, tapping off any excess.
  5. Insert the cuttings: Make small holes in the compost using a pencil or dibber, and then gently insert the cuttings. Make sure they are buried deep enough to be stable, but not so deep that they are completely covered.
  6. Water the cuttings: Water the cuttings gently, using a watering can with a fine rose attachment. Make sure the compost is moist but not waterlogged.
  7. Turn on the heat: Turn on the heat in your propagator, following the manufacturer’s instructions. The ideal temperature for rooting cuttings is typically between 18-24Ā°C.
  8. Monitor the cuttings: Check on your cuttings regularly, watering as needed to keep the compost moist. After a few weeks, you should start to see signs of new growth and roots forming.
  9. Harden off the cuttings: Once your cuttings have developed roots and new growth, it’s time to start hardening them off. Gradually expose them to cooler temperatures and more sunlight over a period of several days, until they are ready to be planted out in their final position.

By following these steps, you can use a heated propagator to successfully propagate plant cuttings and grow new plants from existing ones.