Moving an established camellia

Moving an Established Camellia: A Step-by-Step Guide

Camellias, with their exquisite blooms and lush foliage, are a prized addition to any garden. However, there comes a time when these beautiful shrubs may need to be relocated. Moving an established camellia can be daunting, but with the right timing and techniques, you can ensure a smooth transition with minimal stress to the plant.

Optimal Timing: Autumn Relocation

The best time to move a camellia is in the autumn, ideally from late September to early November. This period is preferred because the soil remains warm, aiding root development, while the cooler temperatures reduce stress on the plant. Summer relocations are ill-advised as the heat can stress the plant, especially since the finer, water-absorbing roots tend to get damaged during the move.

Preparing the Camellia for the Move


Start by pruning the camellia, removing about a third of the foliage. This reduction in leaves lowers the plant’s demand for water, making it easier to cope with the move.

Root Trimming

Next, prepare the root system. About 18 inches from the central stems, dig a trench around the camellia to cut through the roots. This might sound counterintuitive, but it’s a critical step. Fill this trench with leaf mould or compost and water thoroughly. This encourages the development of fibrous roots closer to the central stems, facilitating easier and safer transplantation.


Feed the camellia with liquid tomato feed. This will provide essential nutrients and help strengthen the plant in preparation for the move.

The Moving Process

When autumn arrives, it’s time to move your camellia. Dig out the plant, ensuring you retain as much soil around the roots as possible. This soil retention helps preserve the root structure and reduces shock during transplantation.

Post-Move Care

Location Considerations

If the new location is exposed to heavy sun or wind, it’s advisable to protect the camellia with horticultural fleece during its first winter. This protection helps prevent wind burn and other environmental stresses.

Ongoing Care

After the move, continue to monitor your camellia, ensuring it receives adequate water and protection from extreme weather conditions. With proper care, your camellia will soon establish itself in its new location, continuing to grace your garden with its stunning blooms for years to come.

In moving an established camellia requires careful planning and execution. By following these steps, you can successfully relocate your camellia, ensuring its health and beauty in its new home. Remember, patience and attention to detail are key to a successful camellia move.

Click Here for more note on aftercare once the camellia has been moved and replanted