Summer plants for scent

For a delightful and fragrant summer garden in the UK, here are some suitable plants known for their lovely scents:

Lavender (Lavandula): A classic choice for its soothing fragrance and beautiful purple flowers. It attracts pollinators and can be used in crafts, potpourri, or as a natural air freshener.

Roses (Rosa): There are many varieties of roses available, each with its own distinct scent. Some popular fragrant options include English roses, hybrid teas, and old-fashioned varieties like Damask and Bourbon roses.

Sweet Peas (Lathyrus odoratus): These delicate flowers produce a sweet scent that fills the air. They come in a variety of colours and are perfect for trellises or garden fences.

Jasmine (Jasminum): A climbing vine with white or yellow flowers that emit an intoxicating fragrance, especially in the evenings. Some common varieties include Jasminum officinale and Jasminum sambac.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera): Another climbing plant that releases a sweet fragrance in the evening. The blooms attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Popular species include Lonicera periclymenum and Lonicera japonica.

Mock Orange (Philadelphus): Known for its highly fragrant white flowers, this shrub can add a delightful scent to your garden. The blooms resemble orange blossoms and can fill the air with a citrusy fragrance.

Geraniums (Pelargonium): Certain varieties of geraniums, such as scented-leaf geraniums, have aromatic foliage that releases pleasant scents when touched. They come in different fragrances like rose, lemon, and mint.

Mint (Mentha): While known more for its culinary uses, mint plants also produce a refreshing scent. Plant them in containers to keep their vigorous growth in check.

Thyme (Thymus): This herb offers a delightful scent and can be used for culinary purposes as well. Plant different varieties like lemon thyme or creeping thyme to enjoy their various fragrances.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis): A member of the mint family, lemon balm has a lemony fragrance that can enhance your garden. It is also known for attracting bees and butterflies.

Remember to choose plants suitable for your specific growing conditions and preferences. Enjoy the scents and the beauty they bring to your summer garden!