Growing Melons

Growing Melons.

Melons are a warm-season crop that requires plenty of sunshine and heat to grow and ripen properly. Here are some tips on how to grow melons successfully in the UK:

  1. Choose a sunny, sheltered site: Melons need full sun for at least 6-8 hours per day to ripen properly, so choose a spot that gets plenty of sunlight. Melons also need protection from strong winds, so choose a sheltered site if possible.
  2. Prepare the soil: Melons need well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Before planting, dig in plenty of compost or well-rotted manure to improve soil fertility and structure.
  3. Sow seeds or plant seedlings: Melon seeds can be sown indoors in mid-spring and transplanted outdoors after the last frost, or sown directly in the ground after the soil has warmed up. Alternatively, you can buy young melon plants and transplant them directly into the garden.
  4. Provide support: Melons are heavy fruit and need support as they grow. You can provide support by using trellises or stakes to keep the vines off the ground.
  5. Water regularly: Melons need regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water deeply and evenly to encourage good root development and prevent blossom end rot.
  6. Fertilize regularly: Melons are heavy feeders and require regular fertilization to produce a good crop. Use a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks during the growing season.
  7. Harvest at the right time: Melons are ripe when they develop a sweet fragrance and the stem starts to dry and turn brown. Gently press on the blossom end – it should yield slightly when the melon is ripe.

The best time to grow melons in the UK is from mid-spring to early summer, after the risk of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up. In general, melons take about 80-100 days from planting to maturity, so plan accordingly to ensure a good harvest.