Growing vegetables and herbs in a flower border.

Growing vegetables in your borders

Although vegetables and herbs are often grown in raise beds or a area set-a-side just for growing vegetables and herbs. If you are short of space in your garden or just do not wish to create a vegetable garden you can grow your vegetables and herbs in your garden borders in between the existing garden shrubs and perennial.

Plants love to grow together, in a garden border with existing plants newly sown vegetables and herbs get off to a quick start as the existing plants create a micro climate offering shelter and humidity.

The best way to start to grow some vegetable and herbs in your garden borders is to sow a few seeds under a bell jar. The picture shows some glass bell jars but they also come in plastic which is cheaper and just as effective.

A look crop to start with is peas sowing in February, then moving on on the spring to sowing some lettuce and other salad crops.

For advice on growing vegetables and herbs in your garden borders ask your MyGardenTeam Advisor or join our MyGardenTeam service