8th September – London – Beginners & Novice 1 Day – Gardening Course
The GardenAdvice team are running a one day gardening course for beginners and novices.
The course is designed to provide you with an introduction to gardening for beginners and will quickly teach you all the basic skill you need to get started as a gardener.
GardenAdvice.co.uk have developed a especially designed short one day course to be able to teach you all the basic skills of gardening to get you started. The courses are being held locally thought the U.K and cover such basic skills as pruning, correct digging methods, growing your own shrubs and creating the perfect lawn.
The course takes place in a garden and involves both practical demonstrations
and short talks aimed at giving you an introduction to all
the basic skills you will need in the garden.
The following areas are covered:
– Basic gardening techniques such as digging, grass cutting, pruning,
planting and watering.
– Easy garden maintenance covers methods to make your garden easy to look after.
(Including weed control)
– Basic construction methods covering how to lay a lawn, a small patio and decking.
-Pest and diseases how to control them by using organic methods
and creating a natural balance in your garden to keep them under control.
– Creating special areas in your garden including a organic veg plot, fruit garden,
perennial borders and water features.
– Planting designs basic design techniques for garden planting
to encourage all year round interest.
The cost is £99 per person per day including refreshments and a light lunch.
The cost also includes a years membership to the GardenAdvice MyGardenTeam service,
If you are already a MyGardenTeam member you will receive 50 % discount off the course cost,
If you are not then you will receive a years membership to the MyGardenTeam
service which provides you with a gardening expert online.
For further details or to reserve a place on the course
please email or phone me via the details below.
kayleigh@gardenadvice.co.uk – 0845 269 3183
Please join us! – 10am – 4pm
8th Sept.
Fulham Palace Garden
Bishops Avenue
London, SW6 6EA