Author: GardenAdvice

MyGardenTeam Members loan equipment

The GardenAdvice MyGardenTeam service provides gardening equipment and tools to its members to help with some gardening tasks  We have many pieces of equipment and gardening tools we loan out to our MyGardenTeam members...

Extended MyGardenTeam membership

If you joined the GardenAdvice MyGardenTeam service or received MyGardenTeam membership as part of a GardenAdvice gardening course after the 1st October 2019 you can request an extended membership to the MyGardenTeam service for...

MyGardenTeam saving you money

The MyGardenTeam service from GardenAdvice is designed to save you money. Our experts use extensive in depth knowledge of the horticultural industry to save you time and money on your gardening projects. We work...

Growing your own vegetables and fruit.

A GardenAdvice Quick Guide for MyGardenTeam members  The GardenAdvice MyGardenTeam service has been designed to team you up with an expert gardener on the GardenAdvice staff gardeners so together you can create an overall...