Slug Nematodes

Slug nematodes are a type of nematode that can be found in soil and are known for their ability to control slug populations. These nematodes are microscopic, worm-like organisms that belong to the family Phasmarhabditis. They have been used as a biological control agent for slugs in agriculture and horticulture.

Slug nematodes are typically applied to the soil, where they seek out and infect slugs. Once inside a slug, the nematodes release bacteria that cause the slug to stop feeding and eventually die. The nematodes then use the dead slug as a food source and reproduce inside the carcass. This process helps to reduce slug populations without the use of harmful chemical pesticides.

Slug nematodes are effective against a wide variety of slug species, including the common garden slug (Arion hortensis), the grey field slug (Deroceras reticulatum), and the keeled slug (Tandonia budapestensis). They are also environmentally friendly and safe for use around humans, pets, and other wildlife.

How to use

In order to use slug nematodes as a pest control method, they can be purchased in commercial formulations and applied to the soil using a watering can or sprayer. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and apply the nematodes at the right time and under the right conditions for the best results.


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