Garden Disease

Diseases in lawns in snowy conditions

There are several types of diseases that can affect lawns maintained by gardeners during snowy conditions. Click here to learn about some of the most common lawn disease in snowy conditions

Brown leaves on your palm trees

It’s possible that the wet weather or recent frosts that have causing the brown leaves on your palm tree, but there could also be other factors at play, such as overwatering or a lack of nutrients. It’s important to identify the underlying issue before deciding on a course of action. Click here to learn more about the causes of brown leaves on palm trees.

How to keep pests out of the garden

Dealing with and keeping pests out of the garden can be pretty challenging. Yet, that doesn’t mean you have to stay idle and allow them to gain the upper hand. Click here to learn how to keep pests out of the garden.

How to effectively keep pests out of your bird feeders

Pests can be pretty irritating at first. And you’ll think… maybe they’ll leave the feeder alone eventually. But they never do. Any pest that finds a sustainable food source would rely on it greatly. Click here to learn more about keeping pests out of your bird feeders

Black Spot on Roses

How can I stop the black spot on my roses. Black spot is a fungal disease, and the best way to stop it, or cut back on the effects it has on flowering is to use cultural methods. Click here to learn more about stopping black spot on roses

How to Control Fungus In Your Raised Vegetable Beds

Fungus can be a common problem in raised vegetable gardens, as the warm, damp conditions can be ideal for fungal growth. Some common fungal diseases in vegetable gardens include powdery mildew, downy mildew, and various types of rot. Click here to learn more about controlling fungus in your vegetable beds