Global warming – the debate goes on
Global warming – the debate goes on which ever side of the conversation you are on its impossible to deny that if the weather is not changing is certainly changeable.
The Gardenadvice team see the effects of changeable weather in both the short and the long term through the advice and question we are asked by our members and viewers all around the world ever day. In response we have developed a localized weather reporting system in the UK which allows us to collect weather and other climatic data on which we are better able to advise our members and viewers on when to sow crops, when to act to prevent damage from large pest and disease attacks and when to harvest. The project links in with our MyGardenTeam service which we use to provide gardeners and others with on going advice for gardening and other projects. The next stage is to continue to develop the data models we have already started to provide triggers to the MyGardenTeam members when to undertake gardening tasks such as sowing your vegetables or protecting you fruit garden from an attack of pests.
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