Runner bean frames
Ideally your can create support for runner beans with hazel of similar rather than buy canes, apart from the expensive bamboo canes used every year can host pest eggs and fungal spores.
Ideal the poles need to be set 12 inches apart within a double sided row or in wigwam shapes. Both being between 4 to 6 feet high.
In addition its a good ideas to add some old newspaper or grass clippings/ garden compost in a trench. Digging the trench about 8 inches deep and 16 inches across. The purpose of this is to allow the runner beans to access more moisture as they grow very quickly.
Runner beans on frames also act as a seasonal windbreak
Companion planting adding some sweet peas and some calendula officinalis
runner beans are from the legume family and have nitrogen fixing bacteria in the roots which which happens naturally and traps nitrogen from the air for use as a feed for the runner beans. As a result they improve the soil they grow in for next years crops.