Buddleja Black Knight


Buddleja Black Knight, also known as Buddleia davidii ‘Black Knight,’ is a popular cultivar of the butterfly bush, a flowering shrub native to China. It is highly regarded for its striking appearance, attracting both humans and various species of butterflies to gardens and landscapes. Delivery Notes and charges



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GardenAdvice Notes

Buddleja Black Knight, also known as Buddleia davidii ‘Black Knight,’ is a popular cultivar of the butterfly bush, a flowering shrub native to China. It is highly regarded for its striking appearance, attracting both humans and various species of butterflies to gardens and landscapes.

The Buddleja Black Knight plant is characterized by its upright, deciduous growth habit, reaching an average height of 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 metres) and a spread of 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 metres). The plant has an open and arching form, with multiple slender stems covered in lance-shaped, dark green leaves that are 4 to 10 inches (10 to 25 centimetres) long.

Soil type-Buddleja Black Knight is a relatively adaptable plant when it comes to soil type, but it prefers moderately fertile and well-drained soil. Here are some guidelines for the ideal soil conditions:

Drainage: Good drainage is essential for the plant’s health. It does not tolerate waterlogged or excessively wet soil. Ensure that the soil has proper drainage to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.

Moisture: While Buddleja Black Knight prefers well-drained soil, it also benefits from consistent moisture. The soil should be kept evenly moist but not overly saturated. Regular watering, especially during dry spells, helps the plant thrive.

pH Level: The plant can tolerate a wide range of soil pH levels, ranging from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. A pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 is generally suitable. Conduct a soil test to determine the pH of your soil and make adjustments if necessary.

Soil Composition: The butterfly bush is adaptable to different soil compositions, including loam, sandy loam, and clay loam. Loamy soil, which is a balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay, is often considered ideal. It provides good drainage while retaining adequate moisture.

Organic Matter: Adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to the soil before planting can improve its fertility, drainage, and moisture-holding capacity. It also enriches the soil with essential nutrients, promoting healthy growth.

Remember to prepare the soil before planting by loosening it and removing any weeds or debris. Incorporate organic matter and ensure proper drainage. Regularly monitor the moisture levels and adjust watering accordingly. By providing well-drained, moderately fertile soil, you can create a favourable growing environment for Buddleja Black Knight.

Location-Buddleja Black Knight thrives in locations that provide abundant sunlight and good air circulation. Here are some key considerations for its ideal location:Sunlight: Butterfly bushes, including Buddleja Black Knight, require full sun to achieve their best growth and blooming potential. They thrive in locations that receive at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. Ensure that the plant is positioned in an area where it will receive ample sunlight.

Shelter: While the plant enjoys sunlight, it also benefits from some shelter from strong winds. Planting it in a location that provides partial protection from strong gusts helps prevent the plant from being damaged or broken. A sheltered spot near a fence, wall, or larger shrubs can be suitable.

Air Circulation: Good air circulation around the plant is essential for preventing the development of fungal diseases and ensuring healthy growth. Avoid overcrowding the butterfly bush with other plants, as this can impede airflow. Providing adequate spacing between plants and avoiding dense planting will facilitate proper air circulation.

Hardiness Zone: Buddleja Black Knight is generally suited for growing in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9. It may not tolerate extremely cold temperatures in zone 5 and may require some winter protection in colder regions. Ensure that the location you choose falls within the appropriate hardiness zone for this plant.

Soil Moisture: While soil moisture is not directly related to the plant’s location, it is important to mention that Buddleja Black Knight prefers well-drained soil. Planting it in an area where the soil drains well and does not become waterlogged is crucial for its health and longevity.

When selecting a location for Buddleja Black Knight, prioritize a sunny spot with good air circulation. This will ensure that the plant receives adequate sunlight, minimises the risk of fungal diseases, and promotes healthy growth and abundant blooming.

Pest and disease problems-Buddleja Black Knight, like other butterfly bushes, can face certain pest and disease issues. Here are some common ones to be aware of:


    • Aphids: Aphids are small, sap-sucking insects that can cluster on the plant’s tender shoots and leaves. They can cause distortion, stunting, and yellowing of the foliage. Regularly inspect the plant and use appropriate methods like spraying water or applying insecticidal soap to control aphid populations.
    • Spider Mites: These tiny pests often infest the undersides of leaves, causing yellowing, stippling, and webbing. Spider mites thrive in dry conditions. Increase humidity around the plant, regularly hose down the foliage, or use insecticidal sprays to manage spider mite infestations.
    • Caterpillars: Some caterpillar species, such as the larvae of the butterfly species Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady), may feed on the leaves of Buddleja Black Knight. Handpicking caterpillars or using organic pest control methods can help manage their population if necessary.Diseases:
      • Powdery Mildew: This fungal disease appears as a white powdery coating on the leaves, causing them to curl, distort, and eventually turn brown. It thrives in humid conditions. Providing adequate spacing between plants, ensuring good air circulation, and avoiding overhead watering can help prevent powdery mildew. Fungicidal treatments may be necessary if the disease becomes severe.
      • Leaf Spot: Leaf spot diseases, caused by various fungal pathogens, can cause dark spots or lesions on the leaves. Infected leaves may yellow, wither, or drop prematurely. To prevent leaf spot, avoid overhead watering, remove and dispose of infected leaves, and apply fungicides if necessary.
      • Root Rot: Overly wet or poorly drained soil can lead to root rot, caused by fungal pathogens. Root rot may cause wilting, yellowing, or dieback of the plant. To prevent root rot, ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering. If root rot occurs, it is often difficult to treat, and affected plants may need to be replaced.

Regular monitoring of the plant, maintaining good cultural practices such as proper watering, and providing optimal growing conditions can help minimise pest and disease problems. If necessary, consult with local gardening experts or professionals for specific pest and disease management strategies in your area.

Propagation-Buddleja Black Knight can be propagated through various methods, including:

Stem Cuttings: This is the most common and effective method of propagating Buddleja Black Knight. Follow these steps:

    • Take 4 to 6-inch (10 to 15 cm) long cuttings from healthy, non-flowering shoots of the plant.
    • Remove the lower leaves, leaving only a few leaves at the top.
    • Dip the cut end in rooting hormone powder or gel (optional).
    • Insert the cutting into a well-draining potting mix or a mixture of peat and perlite.
    • Keep the soil consistently moist and place the cutting in a warm, bright location, but not in direct sunlight.
    • After a few weeks, roots should develop, and you can transplant the cutting into a larger container or into the garden.Seeds: While Buddleja Black Knight can produce seeds, they may not come true to the parent plant. If you choose to propagate from seeds, follow these steps:
      • Collect the seeds from mature flower heads once they have dried on the plant.
      • Sow the seeds in a seed-starting tray or pots filled with a well-draining seed-starting mix.
      • Lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil or vermiculite.
      • Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
      • Place the tray or pots in a warm location with indirect sunlight.
      • Germination may take several weeks to a few months. Once the seedlings are large enough, you can transplant them into individual pots or into the garden.Division: Buddleja Black Knight can also be propagated by dividing the root ball. This method is best done in early spring before new growth begins:
        • Dig up the plant and carefully separate the root ball into multiple sections, ensuring each section has some healthy roots and shoots.
        • Replant the divisions in well-prepared soil, spacing them appropriately.
        • Water the divisions thoroughly and monitor their growth and establishment.

Regardless of the propagation method you choose, it’s important to provide the new plants with appropriate care, including regular watering, suitable sunlight, and protection from extreme weather conditions. It may take some time for the propagated plants to establish and reach their full size and blooming potential.

Pruning, cutting back and dividing-Pruning, cutting back, and dividing are important maintenance practices for Buddleja Black Knight to ensure its health, shape, and optimal blooming. Here’s a guide on how to approach each of these tasks:


  • Pruning is typically done in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.
  • Start by removing any dead, damaged, or diseased branches. Cut them back to healthy wood, making clean cuts just above a healthy bud or lateral branch.
  • Next, prune the plant to maintain its shape and size. You can reduce the overall height or width as desired.
  • Cut back the branches to a pair of strong buds or a lateral branch, approximately 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm) from the base of the plant.
  • Avoid severe pruning, as it may delay or reduce flowering for the season.

Cutting Back:

  • Buddleja Black Knight can benefit from a moderate cut back in late winter or early spring to promote vigorous growth and blooming.
  • Cut back all the branches to a uniform height, leaving them approximately 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm) above the ground.
  • This technique, often referred to as “stooling,” stimulates the growth of new shoots from the base, resulting in a bushier and more compact plant.


  • Dividing is a method used to rejuvenate and propagate Buddleja Black Knight plants.
  • It is best done in early spring before new growth starts.
  • Carefully dig up the entire plant, preserving as much of the root ball as possible.
  • Divide the root ball into sections using a sharp and clean tool, ensuring each division has healthy roots and shoots.
  • Replant the divisions in well-prepared soil at the same depth as they were before, or slightly higher.
  • Water the newly divided plants thoroughly and provide appropriate care as they establish.

Remember to always use clean and sharp tools when pruning, cutting back, or dividing to minimise the risk of spreading diseases. Additionally, regular removal of spent flowers, known as deadheading, throughout the blooming season can help promote continuous flowering.

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