Persicaria amplexicaule speciosa


Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’, also known as mountain fleece, is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the Polygonaceae family. It is a cultivar of Persicaria amplexicaulis, a species native to Eastern Asia. Delivery Notes and charges



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GardenAdvice Notes

Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’, also known as mountain fleece, is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the Polygonaceae family. It is a cultivar of Persicaria amplexicaulis, a species native to Eastern Asia.

The plant grows up to 1.5 meters (5 feet) tall and 1 meter (3 feet) wide, forming a clump of lance-shaped leaves that are green, sometimes with a purple tinge. The leaves are stalkless, clasping the stem, hence the name amplexicaulis, which means “stem-clasping.”

In late summer and early fall, the plant produces numerous spikes of small, tubular, pinkish-red flowers that are arranged in dense, branching clusters. The flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies and can be used in cut flower arrangements.

Soil type-Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ prefers moist, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. It can tolerate a range of soil types, including sandy, loamy, and clay soils, but the soil should not be waterlogged or too dry.

In general, the plant prefers a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH, between 6.0 and 7.5. If the soil is too acidic, you can add lime to raise the pH level. On the other hand, if the soil is too alkaline, you can add sulfur or other acidifying agents to lower the pH.

It’s also important to note that Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ is a moisture-loving plant and will thrive in soils that are consistently moist, but not waterlogged. So, if you’re planting it in an area with poorly drained soil, you may need to amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost or peat moss, to improve drainage and prevent waterlogging.

Location-Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ is a hardy plant that can grow in a range of locations, but it prefers a site with full to partial sun exposure. It can tolerate some shade, but the flowers will not be as abundant in shady locations.

The plant is adaptable to various climates and can grow in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8, which means it can tolerate winter temperatures down to -30°F (-34°C). However, in hot summer climates, it may benefit from some afternoon shade to prevent leaf scorch.

In terms of location, Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ is a versatile plant that can be used in a range of settings, including borders, cottage gardens, wildflower meadows, and naturalistic landscapes. It can also be used as a focal point or planted in mass for a dramatic effect. It’s important to note that this plant can spread and self-seed, so it’s best to give it some space to grow and mature.

Pest and disease problems-Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ is generally a healthy and disease-resistant plant. However, like all plants, it may be susceptible to certain pests and diseases, including:

  1. Aphids: These small insects can suck the sap from the plant, causing leaves to curl and become distorted. They can be controlled by spraying the plant with insecticidal soap or by attracting natural predators like ladybugs.
  2. Spider mites: These tiny pests can cause yellowing of leaves and the presence of webbing. They can be controlled with a strong blast of water to the affected areas or by using insecticidal soap.
  3. Powdery mildew: This fungal disease can cause a white, powdery coating on leaves and stems. It can be controlled by improving air circulation around the plant, avoiding overhead watering, and applying a fungicide if necessary.
  4. Rust: This fungal disease can cause brownish-red spots on the leaves and stems. It can be controlled by removing and destroying affected plant parts and applying a fungicide.
  5. Slugs and snails: These pests can chew holes in the leaves and damage the plant. They can be controlled by using slug and snail bait or by using physical barriers like copper tape around the plant.

Overall, Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ is a low-maintenance plant that is generally resistant to pests and diseases. Regular monitoring and proper cultural care can help prevent and control any issues that may arise.

Propagation-Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ can be propagated by division, seed, or stem cuttings.

  1. Division: The easiest and most common method of propagation is by dividing the plant in the spring or fall. Dig up the clump of the plant and separate the sections into smaller pieces, each with some healthy roots and shoots. Replant the divisions at the same depth as they were growing before.
  2. Seed: Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ can be grown from seed, but it may not come true to the parent plant. Sow the seeds in a seed-starting mix in the spring or fall, and keep the soil moist until the seedlings emerge. Once they have several leaves, transplant them into individual pots or into the garden.
  3. Stem cuttings: Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ can be propagated by stem cuttings taken in the summer. Take 4- to 6-inch (10- to 15-cm) cuttings from the top of the plant and remove the lower leaves. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone powder and insert it into a pot filled with a mixture of peat moss and perlite or sand. Keep the soil moist and the pot in a bright but shaded location until the cuttings develop roots.

Regardless of the propagation method used, it’s important to keep the new plants well-watered until they become established.

Pruning, cutting back and dividing-Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ is a low-maintenance plant that does not require regular pruning. However, some light pruning can help keep the plant looking tidy and promote healthy growth. Here are some tips for pruning, cutting back, and dividing this plant:

  1. Pruning: In early spring, cut back any dead or damaged stems to the base of the plant. If the plant is too tall and flopping over, you can cut it back by half in late spring or early summer. This will encourage bushier growth and prevent the plant from becoming too leggy.
  2. Cutting back: After the plant has finished flowering in the fall, you can cut back the stems to the ground. This will help prevent any disease or pest problems from overwintering in the plant debris.
  3. Dividing: Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ can be divided every few years in the spring or fall. Dig up the clump of the plant and separate it into smaller sections, each with some healthy roots and shoots. Replant the divisions at the same depth as they were growing before, and water them well until they become established.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Speciosa’ healthy, vigorous, and looking its best.

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