Potentilla Red Robin


Potentilla Red Robin is a popular deciduous shrub that is known for its striking red flowers and attractive foliage. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and is native to Europe and Asia. The plant typically grows to a height of 60-90 cm and has a spread of up to 1 meter. Delivery Notes and charges

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GardenAdvice Notes

Potentilla Red Robin is a popular deciduous shrub that is known for its striking red flowers and attractive foliage. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and is native to Europe and Asia. The plant typically grows to a height of 60-90 cm and has a spread of up to 1 meter.

The leaves of Potentilla Red Robin are pinnate and composed of 5-7 oval-shaped leaflets. They are a vibrant green color and provide an attractive backdrop to the bright red flowers that bloom from late spring to mid-summer. The flowers are small, measuring only around 2 cm in diameter, but are produced in large clusters, creating a stunning display.

Soil types-Potentilla Red Robin can grow in a variety of soil types, but it prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. It can tolerate slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soils, with a pH range between 6.0 and 7.5. The plant does not grow well in heavy clay soils that retain water, as this can lead to root rot. It is important to ensure that the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogging and to promote healthy growth. If the soil in your garden is heavy and poorly draining, you can improve it by adding organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure.

Pest and disease problems-Potentilla Red Robin is generally a hardy and disease-resistant plant. However, it may occasionally be affected by some pests and diseases. Here are some common issues that can affect this plant:

  1. Spider mites: These tiny insects can cause yellowing and browning of leaves and can also cause webbing on the plant.
  2. Aphids: These small insects can suck the sap from the plant and cause distorted growth, yellowing, and curling of leaves.
  3. Leaf spot: This fungal disease can cause dark spots on leaves, which can eventually lead to defoliation.
  4. Powdery mildew: This fungal disease can cause a white powdery coating on leaves and stems.
  5. Crown rot: This disease can cause the plant to wilt and die, and is often caused by waterlogged soil.

To prevent these problems, it is important to maintain good plant hygiene and to water the plant properly, ensuring that the soil is well-draining. In case of an infestation or disease, appropriate control measures such as the use of insecticides, fungicides, or pruning may be necessary.

Propagation-Potentilla Red Robin can be propagated through several methods, including:

  1. Softwood cuttings: Softwood cuttings can be taken from the plant in early summer and rooted in a potting mix or soil. The cuttings should be 5-10 cm long and have a few leaves attached. The cuttings should be dipped in rooting hormone and then inserted into the potting mix or soil, and kept moist until they root.
  2. Hardwood cuttings: Hardwood cuttings can be taken from the plant in late autumn or winter when the plant is dormant. The cuttings should be 20-25 cm long and have no leaves. They should be dipped in rooting hormone and then inserted into a potting mix or soil, and kept moist until they root.
  3. Division: Potentilla Red Robin can also be propagated by dividing the plant in spring or autumn. The plant should be lifted from the ground and divided into smaller sections, each with its own roots and shoots. These smaller sections can then be replanted in their own location.
  4. Seed: Potentilla Red Robin can also be grown from seed, but this method is less common as the plant does not always come true from seed, and it can take several years for the plant to reach maturity.

Propagation through cuttings and division is the most reliable and efficient method to propagate Potentilla Red Robin.

Pruning, cutting back and dividing-Potentilla Red Robin is a relatively low-maintenance shrub, but it will benefit from some regular pruning, cutting back, and dividing to keep it healthy and looking its best.

  1. Pruning: Potentilla Red Robin should be pruned in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Pruning should involve removing dead, damaged or diseased wood, and thinning out any old or overcrowded growth to promote new growth and maintain a healthy shape. The plant can be cut back by up to one-third of its total size, but avoid cutting back into old wood as this can affect flowering.
  2. Cutting back: Potentilla Red Robin can also benefit from occasional light pruning throughout the growing season to remove spent flowers and promote bushier growth. This can be done with sharp, clean secateurs, making cuts just above a healthy leaf or bud.
  3. Dividing: Potentilla Red Robin can be divided every few years in early spring or autumn to rejuvenate the plant and prevent overcrowding. To divide the plant, dig up the root ball and gently separate it into smaller sections, each with its own roots and shoots. Replant the smaller sections in their own location, and water well until established.

Regular pruning, cutting back, and dividing will help to keep Potentilla Red Robin healthy and looking its best.

Please note our plants in most instances are delivered by our own GardenAdvice expert gardeners. Our standard UK delivery charge is £25 or if you are a MyGardenTeam member delivery is free

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