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GardenAdvice support for bees scheme shortlisted for award
The GardenAdvice Team are proud to have been shortlisted for the Bee Bold Awards for our work in created over 400 bee friendly gardens in the United Kingdom and Europe.
Bee Bold Awards – The West of England Combined Authority
Seeds For Bees from GardenAdvice
1000 packs of seeds to create food and shelter for Bees the summer 2022
Help GardenAdvice with its Seeds For Bees program by sowing 5 packets of seeds in your garden to produce plants and flowers to help your garden bees
Supported by our MyGardenTeam service providing you with advice and guidance on sowing and growing the seeds. Seeds for Bees Scheme will be running again in the summer of 2023 ( seeds for bees scheme scheduled to start again in spring 2023 )
Helping the bees and other pollinating insects in your garden is easy with some advice from the GardenAdvice Team. The key is to grow a number of flowers that supply food and shelter to insects through the year, No need to turn your garden into a wildflower meadow helping bees and other insect can be achieved even in a formal garden with the use of the correct flowering plants.